The institutions making up the original 14 institutions of the Network for Excellence in Teaching made the decision in January 2022 to share the surveys and related work we have been developing since we formed our network in 2009. The files needed to program the surveys into your own survey system are linked below. If your institution use Qualtrics, the qsf file linked below can be uploaded into your account and copied. We wish you the best with your teacher preparation program improvement efforts.

Alignment of Survey Items with the InTASC Standards

Entry Survey

The purpose of the entry survey is to collect demographic data and information on prior education, interests and motivators for teaching, and employment goals for prospective/entering teacher candidates. The survey is often students’ initial experience with NExT, so it includes an introduction to the initiative and describes the purposes for which data are being collected. The survey is designed to be administered to new students in teacher preparation programs within the first semester after being admitted.

Entry Survey with Design Logic and Recode Values

Entry Survey qsf file for Qualtrics

Entry Survey in Qualtrics (allows you to click through the survey to experience the look and feel)

Exit Survey

The purpose of the exit survey is to identify learning opportunities and practices candidates believe are effective teacher preparation strategies. The exit survey is designed to gather candidate’s perspectives on their teacher preparation programs as they leave their institution of higher education and prepare to enter the teaching profession. The survey is administered to teacher candidates during their last semester at the university, often at the end of their student teaching experiences. Students who are on track to graduate during the summer should complete the survey toward the end of the spring semester and should be included in the spring semester data submission.

Exit Survey with Design Logic and Recode Values

Exit Survey qsf file for Qualtrics

Exit Survey in Qualtrics (allows you to click through the survey to experience the look and feel)

Exit Survey Validity and Reliability Analysis (most recent analysis)

Transition to Teaching Survey

The purpose of the Transition to Teaching Survey (TTS) is to follow up with teacher education graduates to determine their employment status, the steps they took to determine their employment status, the steps they took to obtain teaching positions, the extent to which they feel prepared for teaching positions, and the extent to which they feel prepared for teaching responsibilities. If the graduate is a part-time or full-time teacher, the survey assesses what she/he knows and is able to do after a year in the classroom. Survey responses allow teacher preparation programs to develop a better understanding of their graduates’ assessments of the quality of their teacher education programs.

The survey aligns with the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers (MNSEPT) and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards and is administered approximately one year after candidates complete their teacher education programs. The TTS is also an important source of information for the supervisor survey because it asks each novice teacher to identify her/his school of employment and school address as well as her/his supervisor’s name and email address.

TTS with Design Logic and Recode Values

TTS qsf file for Qualtrics

TTS in Qualtrics (allows you to click through the survey to experience the look and feel)

TTS Validity and Reliability Analysis (most recent version)

TTS Short Version with Design Logic and Recode Values

TTS Short Version qsf file for Qualtrics

TTS Short Version in Qualtrics

Content Validity documentation for shortening the TTS

Supervisor Survey

The supervisor survey was designed to gain supervisors’ perspectives of first-year teachers’ readiness for the teaching profession. The survey asks supervisors the quality of graduates’ instructional practices, abilities to work with diverse learners, abilities to establish positive classroom environment, and levels of professionalism. The survey is administered to direct supervisors of teacher preparation graduates employed in schools approximately one year after the teachers completed their preparation programs. The questions on the supervisor survey are closely aligned with those on the TTS facilitate comparisons between the perspectives of novice teachers and their supervisors.

Supervisor Survey with Design Logic and Recode Values

Supervisor Survey qsf file for Qualtrics

Supervisor Survey in Qualtrics

Supervisor Survey Validity and Reliability Analysis (most recent version)

Supervisor Survey Short Version with Design Logic and Recode Values

Supervisor Survey Short Version qsf file for Qualtrics

Supervisor Survey Short Version in Qualtrics

Supervisor Survey Short Version Validity and Reliability Analysis

Contact Us


Dr. Stacy Duffield

North Dakota State University